DSO Newsletter : March 2024

“This place makes me happy!”

Dementia Sings Out Concert. 

Our major news is the announcement that we are currently planning a free DSO concert on  Saturday 20th July in conjunction with the Wellingborough Community Gospel Choir at  Christopher Hatton School. The stars of the concert will be all of those of you who sing  heartily and move and groove every Thursday but we will be joined by the wonderful  community choir who joined us so memorably at the Christmas Party this time singing their  interpretations of a selection from our Thursday repertoire. Many of your favourites, again  orchestrated by Gareth, possibly with a subtle twist or two, will be there for you to sing  along with! We will unashamedly use it is a unique opportunity to showcase our Thursday 


sessions but equally perhaps family members and supporters who work or live at a distance  will be able to see us at first hand on this occasion. 

Social prescribing & supportive links 

There is a very specific theme to our latest newsletter; there has been a deliberate move  made by the trustees to build more bridges with local organisations in order to provide  support to those living with Dementia and their carers beyond the joyous Thursday morning  singing and movement sessions. So often we hear how families, where a loved one is living  with Dementia, feel in some senses isolated without a structure to provide that essential  support and coordination across different agencies. The power of music we see at first hand  every week but it is not the panacea to all ills; we acknowledge that there are other  essential elements in supportive care and often there is a lack of awareness of options. The  term ‘social prescribing’ is a stated NHS objective linking charities, care and health services  and DSO would like to think that we can contribute in some way to people accessing  support, knowledge and expertise and complement other provision which exists but is often  undiscovered.  

To emphasise the point above on Thursday 29th February we will have solicitors from  Tollers on hand to answer any legal questions (at no cost) which people might have relating  to living with dementia, caring and particularly in clearing up the many myths which exist  surrounding caring.  

Earlier on the same day, Thursday 29th February, we will benefit from another visit by Sue  Greensmith for a free Updated Dementia Friends Training session. 


As well as our ongoing promotional talks to local organisations our new links with the North  Northants Dementia Friendly Community via a series of breakfast meetings will hopefully open up further channels of communication and information with other organisations. 


Many of you may have noticed trustees wandering around with a checklist counting weekly  attendees; we are obliged to provide evidence, to the Charity Commission and the National  Lottery alongside that to our local benefactors. Our weekly average attendance since  Christmas has been 78 despite the frequency of miserable weather on Thursday mornings – as Thursday 22nd February graphically demonstrated “it might be cold & miserable out  there but there’s no doubting the warmth in the room”; of course it will take more than  leaden skies to dampen our spirits. As well as the 4-5 Care Homes attending in person we  have been averaging an additional 4-5 Care Homes joining us on Zoom as well as a number  of other techno-savvy individuals. 

We are acutely aware of the logistical difficulties which many attendees have. We are  pursuing the idea of providing volunteer drivers from our host of volunteers and  supporters. Accepting that there are the inevitable and unavoidable insurance and DBS 

checks related to volunteer driving if you might be interested in pursuing this further please  speak to one of the Trustees or email dementiasingsout@gmail.com  

Primary Schools 

Over the last few years we have seen the mutual benefits of striking up relationships with  primary schools and we are delighted to report that we are being visited again by two  Wellingborough primary schools – Ruskin Infants School on 21st March and then All Saints  School sometime in May/June. 

New Trustee 

We are delighted to confirm that Steve Line, a keen supporter of the WCGC since its  inception, has joined the board of Trustees and succeeded Cathie Barrett as Treasurer  though Cathie is remaining on the Board. As well as throwing his shapes around on the  dance floor each Thursday morning, Steve’s expertise is in business and financial  management and his business acumen has already proven invaluable.  


And Finally …….. “There always appears to be birthday cake every week  here!”