NEWSLETTER 4 - September 2020
Our latest newsletter coincides with re-launching, after a three-week vacation, our weekly sessions on Thursday 10th September. During this time Gareth has revamped his studio bunker in Wellingborough so prepare to be impressed!
Inevitably our trustee discussions have focused on the pandemic’s challenges but essentially we have remained unbowed in continuing with DSO whilst trying to make it as easy as possible for carers to join us.
We continue to empathise with those of our supporters who have difficulty not only with the technical logistics of Zoom, but also handling the advice about staying safe whilst trying to retain the inspiration of singing. Recent feedback received suggests that what we do works well, but we want to ‘freshen up’ our weekly sessions including the song repertoire so amongst others we will be doing our best imitation of Morecombe and Wise with our new weekly renditions of ‘Bring Me Sunshine” amongst others!
We have confirmed in our own minds the previously-held view that living with dementia demands that content needs to focus on simple lyrics, an element of repetition and it is essential that tunes are memorable.
We will be providing all of our song lyrics not only on the DSO website but also via a new initiative. Trustee volunteers are in the throes of visiting Care homes, within social distancing guidelines, to deliver singing materials in new branded DSO folders which also contain details as to how to access on-line materials and Zoom instructions.
We hope that everyone makes use of these folders perhaps on a daily basis and not simply on Thursday mornings.
We would always encourage supporters to follow updates via our website including a new tab entitled “Songs”.
Supporters will be interested to hear that we are retaining our contact and positive relationship with the Champions Church management. Though the building is currently closed, it is heartening to hear that the management remains very supportive of DSO use. We all live in hope of returning to what is an ideal location for us in the not too distant future when we can meet physically, as we did before the pandemic consumed so much of our lives.
Although we have not seen so many of you since March we have no intention of relaxing our support to the community. As ever, if there is any way in which you feel that we might work to support those living with dementia and their carers, please contact us via the website contact page at dementiasingsout@gmail.com
Hello , although not having dementia yet, I love to sing and would like to come along to a session. My problem is I don’t know where the venue is Peter Emerton pemton@yahoo.co.uk