The DSO Trustees want to prepare you for the hectic nature of the remainder of the year by ensuring that you are up-to-date with our latest news. Be assured that the last couple of months of the year will be no less full-on than at any other time of the year – as you know there is never a dull moment with ‘party animal DSO’. As we have stressed repeatedly since we established, DSO is not meant to be a once-a-week panacea, rather we consider it a success if it prompts other support and/or initiatives related to the benefits of singing and movement. Every week we continue to enjoy fun, laughter, tears and cake.
12 months ago we referred to “crooners, proper singers & those who come along to exercise their tonsils. There are ballroom dancers, dad dancers, budding Strictly stars and reluctant conga participants”. One may ask “What has changed?” and of course the answer is little other than the resurrection of “Bring Me Sunshine” which is developing into the new “Love Train”; in fact recently the wonderful Maurice went viral on Instagram with his rendition and impersonation of Eric and Ernie.
Thursday mornings never cease to be varied – as we speak we are eagerly anticipating the attendance of an African Drumming group.
As Trustees we are all indebted to so many of the DSO community and a THANK YOU MORNING on THURSDAY 14th NOVEMBER event is intended as a thankyou gesture to donors, volunteers and supporters. To add spice to the morning West Northants’ very own singing ‘sensation’ the incomparable, unashamedly flirtatious, enigmatic Julian Hunt (WCGC, NSO, BGT etc etc!) will be performing his very apt trademark anthem “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends”.
Speaking of visits we were delighted that shortly after her General Election success the new Wellingborough MP Gen Kitchen, and her aide Natalie, chose to visit a DSO session and showed little reluctance in joining in the weekly Love Train – how refreshing it would be to see this replicated in the Palace of Westminster as a contrast to cross-party vitriol!
Recently we have been grateful recipients of the fundraising efforts of Lisiane’s Oxford Half Marathon, Northants Ladies Vet Golfers, and donations from Earls Barton Music Group and Wellingborough Methodist Church. We are indebted to them all.
DSO has been nominated for two awards at the Northamptonshire Community Fund Awards Night on Thursday 28th November. Our inimitable resident Fred Astaire, ‘Meet and Greeter’ and Seating Guru, Alan Mason has been nominated for a volunteering award and DSO itself for the ‘Happy and Healthy Community Award’.
One inspirational aspect of our work of which we continue to be unashamedly proud, is the focus on building cross-generational links. Our visits by local primary schools are undoubtedly mutually beneficial and helpful in raising awareness of dementia. We hope that families are encouraged to have conversations across the generations, share stories, photographs, memories and songs. We have welcomed back All Saints School and next month we are eagerly looking forward to again welcoming and singing with Wellingborough Prep School children on Thursday 1st December.
We always intended for DSO to be a supportive community even outside of the weekly sessions and it has been a source of immense pleasure to see contacts being made and support being provided to one another in a much wider sense. Equally so many DSO attendees have been attending local WCGC concerts and others; we have seen Neville, Sandy, Michael, Liz, Linda, Allan and Pat, Richard and Norma, Jo amongst others all singing along at the top of their voices on Saturday nights.

DSO has been nominated for two awards at the Northamptonshire Community Fund Awards Night on Thursday 28th November. Our inimitable resident Fred Astaire, ‘Meet and Greeter’ and Seating Guru, Alan Mason has been nominated for a volunteering award and DSO itself for the ‘Happy and Healthy Community Award’.
One inspirational aspect of our work of which we continue to be unashamedly proud, is the focus on building cross-generational links. Our visits by local primary schools are undoubtedly mutually beneficial and helpful in raising awareness of dementia. We hope that families are encouraged to have conversations across the generations, share stories, photographs, memories and songs. We have welcomed back All Saints School and next month we are eagerly looking forward to again welcoming and singing with Wellingborough Prep School children on Thursday 1st December.
We always intended for DSO to be a supportive community even outside of the weekly sessions and it has been a source of immense pleasure to see contacts being made and support being provided to one another in a much wider sense. Equally so many DSO attendees have been attending local WCGC concerts and others; we have seen Neville, Sandy, Michael, Liz, Linda, Allan and Pat, Richard and Norma, Jo amongst others all singing along at the top of their voices on Saturday nights.

As we gather weekly attendance data for Charity Commission monitoring purposes we are able to report that there are consistently over 120 and at times in excess of 130 attendees. The only downside is the immense strain upon our biscuit and cake supply! Even more geographically-spread care homes have been logging in to sessions on Zoom.
Every week throws up precious moments: Ian’s drawings of Tom Jones, Maggi has appeared with her daughter Kate after a three-year break, reconnecting with the 99-year-old Hazel from Spencer House are each telling examples.

An extract from an article from another one of our supporters, Keith Hargreaves, who has been bringing his father, Eric from Olney, along for the last few weeks says it all: “It’s an extraordinary thing to be part of. My father is very uncommunicative these days unless prompted but without any help he starts singing along quietly and by the end of things is singing from memory and with gusto. There is a huge smile on his face – is it the music, the sight of others dancing, just being in a room with lots of people (always a social creature my father sees very few people these days, they just don’t visit like they used to…) I don’t know but it’s powerful. Every week my heart breaks and the tears flow as we both launch into “I can see clearly now the rain has gone.” DSO – Bless ’em all.”
DSO Trustees are committed to reaching out to those who live at home and wish to attend Thursday sessions but who are currently unable to attend due to the unavailability of transport. Funds have been set aside for a pilot project to provide assistance details for which can be found if you click on this link: this page taking you to the relevant page on our DSO website.
And Finally ……………… Playlist for Life is a wonderful idea designed to prompt conversations with family members and carers; putting together playlists which prompt memories and open up conversations is something which has numerous benefits for those living with dementia and their carers. We encourage you to have these conversations and then to pass on, as you see fit, your outcomes to us – perhaps we can even incorporate your songs in our Thursday playlist.
As we prepare for the festivities we should not forget our Christmas tea party on Thursday 19th December, where there will be even more cake than usual.
The first session back will be on Thursday 9th January 2025 when Gareth will be helping us once again to shed a few festive ounces or even pounds ……….
Lucy, Judith, Ruth, Cathie, Kathryn, Steve, Baz & Garry (DSO Trustees).