NEWSLETTER 3 July 2020
As we relayed in our May Newsletter, with the help of ‘Zoom’ and Gareth’s enthusiasm and technical wizardry, we have continued to hold our weekly Thursday sessions orchestrated from the studio bunker in deepest darkest Wellingborough. We have experimented with pre-recorded sessions including our old favourites 1,2,3,4,5 warm-up, stretching & shaking, Higher and Higher and My Boy Lollipop. However, the most success is always with our live sessions which have continued to attract in the region of 60 participants. Last Thursday saw the return of a number of Care Homes who, because of the pandemic logistics, had been unable to join us for 3 months. The feedback and photos we have been sent below speak volumes and rather illustrates the determination of the Trustees to continue:
“Just to let you know that Joan and I really enjoyed this morning’s session. Our Joan on Zoom at 100 years young!”
“Thank you for the initial online session. I couldn’t watch it live, however my Mum’s carers showed me videos of Mum joining in and dancing away and enjoying herself! I have also just watched it on the website, it’s great! I love the vocal warm ups. Please do keep these going because the Thursday choir used to be one of Mum’s few highlights of the week. She’ll sing if she knows the words but sometimes she just likes to dance along! Best wishes and thank you once again for this wonderful initiative!”
“We have just completed the 2nd week of the Dementia Sings Out group. Thank you for letting us join the session, shame it can’t go on longer than half an hour! Music, especially upbeat which the Thursday sessions are, cheers her up and helps with her mood and she stays engaged throughout, unlike other groups that she also does where I have found she loses concentration”.
Your continued support during this challenging period, both personally with your time, encouragement and participation in our sessions, and financial donations which as a charity are always essential and so gratefully received , has enabled us to continue our charitable work throughout this unprecedented time.
For any future donations, you may have seen on our Facebook page that our new JustGiving page is now live at https://www.justgiving.com/dementiasingsout including the facility to add Gift Aid to your donation and setting up of a regular Direct Debit if you would like to donate in this way. We hope you find this a simple and flexible way to donate, as always if you have any feedback please let us know.
When we began this wonderfully uplifting venture in July 2019 we had no idea that, one year on, we would have gained National Lottery funding, established ourselves as a registered Charity and brought so much apparent joy to so many people. It is humbling to hear of the light which DSO support has brought to so many who are living with Dementia and their carers. We had planned a party to rival our Christmas extravaganza with its fancy dress, singing and dancing, cake and tea and though this has to be remote we will still be partying and there is an open invitation to virtual tea and cake on Thursday 9th July at 10.30 am via ZOOM.
The party is open to any family or friends wherever they may be around the world and we would LOVE you to join us to celebrate our anniversary!
If anyone would like the log on details to celebrate with us please contact us directly at dementiasingsout@gmail.com.
Whilst we await further government clarity as to when gatherings will be allowed, we are conscious that singing appears to be a high-risk activity so we are likely to have to wait some time before returning to anything like our pre-Lockdown Thursday sessions. In the meantime our ambition is to spread the word about the benefits of singing for those living with dementia and attract even more people who may feel isolated and who would benefit from the support and fun of ‘Zoom’ interaction with DSO.
Our feedback suggests that our weekly sessions have allowed a sense of familiarity and continuity with pre-Covid life. All of our friends are in our hearts and minds during this time, including those who have sadly succumbed to Covid-19, as well as for all of our wonderful carers who continue to provide the invaluable care and support which is so humbling to see.
We will continue to provide updates on our Facebook page and via our recently professionally enhanced website https://dementiasingsout.org/live/ , which you will see has been given a fancy facelift whilst we are in lockdown!
May you and your families continue to stay safe, and we look forward to singing with you online!
Garry, Ruth, Judith, Cathie, Kathryn, Baz, Lucy & Gareth.