10.30am to 12noon every Thursday.  Compass Church, 2-4 Meadow Close, Wellingborough NN8 4BH.

All the sessions are free!  Dementia Sings Out is a non-profit-making venture to encourage people of all ages and abilities to meet with no charge on a weekly basis to sing uplifting and inspirational songs.

It is open to anyone living with dementia, whether they are living independently or resident in local Care Homes. These free choir sessions are held every Thursday morning for an hour of lively and interactive singing followed by refreshments and socialising amongst all the participants, carers, Dementia Friends and volunteers. Dementia touches so many people and for those living with the condition, continued interaction and stimulation with others can have a positive effect on well-being.  Music has the capacity to improve a person’s mood and general wellbeing and most of all bring joy. Similarly, the carers of those living with dementia benefit from music and the social interaction with others in a similar position.


We are able to offer transport assistance. View our transport costs page for more information

If you wish to join us via Zoom please contact us for login information.