DSO friends will recall that in our recent May newsletter we focused upon Her
Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration. This week we have joined the
nation, the Commonwealth and beyond in reflecting upon her sad passing and the
awesome selflessness and charitable service which was so apparent to us all. It was
then only right that this week we respectfully marked DSO’s gratitude with a minute
of silence and reflection.
The Trustees took the decision that our Thursday 15th September session would be
followed by a tea party to celebrate the fact that we have been back ‘in person’
for a full 12 months following the Covid-related Lockdown. Home-baked cupcakes,
scones and sausage rolls, strawberries and cream washed down with mugs of tea
made for a perfect way in which to relax after our weekly singing session. The social
interaction, as we have emphasised since our inception, is so important.
DSO thrives on wonderful characters and Her Majesty would have been impressed
on Thursday by Grace whom we have seen for months on Zoom. She is the master
of technology but her unique weekly contribution is that her moves for “Top Of The
World” have been adopted by us all. Seeing this sparkling inspirational lady at first
hand certainly lifted our spirits.
We continue to be only too well aware of the logistical constraints under which Care
Homes are having to operate but we only hope that the safe space afforded
everyone who attends on Thursday mornings is seen as being worth the effort for
everyone’s wellbeing.
Zoom continues to provide us with a platform for those unable to attend in person
and they include family members who perhaps live at a distance and who benefit
from the connection which we facilitate. When losing oneself in the moves and
grooves of Love Train or My Boy Lollipop, it makes no difference where we are but
nothing can beat being together in-person. In addition to the in-person attendance
of a growing number of Care Homes, such as Lancum House, whilst others attend on
Zoom, a developing aspect of our weekly sessions is for individual carers to attend in
person alongside those for whom they care at home.
We are told about the transport costs and staffing constraints faced by some and
we would appreciate understanding the logistical difficulties to see if there is any
way in which we can help to overcome them.
Eagle-eyed aficionados will have noticed that our ever-expanding song catalogue
has this last week incorporated the classic 1960s Roger Miller song King of the Road
with its unforgettable lines “No phone, no pool, no pets, I ain’t got no cigarettes”.
What were you doing in 1964? Gareth of course was not born then and having
been exposed to John Denver, the Monkees and the Tremeloes he continues to be
educated beyond the high art of Motown and Soul! We receive regular requests
from members for more Matt Munro, Perry Como, Sinatra and Nat King Cole and
though the choreography for “That’s Amore” might be quite straightforward, we do
wonder about Hey Big Spender’s more suggestive moves for those of us with dodgy
hip joints!
One aspect of the world of dementia with which we have become familiar is that of
Early Onset. We have recently been visited by members of a community team
which provides dementia support for younger people. In the same vein, Suzanne
Greensmith, who led our previous Dementia Friend training, is returning next week to
conduct an updated session. As ever it is so important that we are all educated in
understanding how best to support those living with dementia. To this end we are
also looking forward this autumn to developing our pre-Covid initiative of working
with local primary schools.
The Wellingborough Golf Club Lady Captain’s Charity Golf Day on Wednesday
24th August was another amazing success story for DSO. Sheena Markham is an
incredible supporter of DSO and thanks in large part to her drive and Yorkshire
determination, over £4,000 was raised from the superbly-organised day of social golf.
And finally……
We do love to hear feedback from any friends or supporters so please share them
with us and we leave you with this one example received this week: “It’s such an
uplifting positive vibe and such a safe space for my mum and I and so many others.”
Lucy, Judith, Ruth, Cathie, Kathryn, Baz & Garry
(DSO Trustees).